CASE STUDY : Institute of Conservation
Sector: Charity
Objective: To manage bi-monthly magazine production and distribution
Calderstone service: Magazine production, magazine distribution, litho print, fulfilment
The story:
Icon (the Institute of Conservation) is the lead voice for the conservation of cultural heritage in the UK. Icon’s membership embraces the wider conservation community, incorporating not only professional conservators in all disciplines, but all others who share a commitment to improving understanding of and access to our cultural heritage.
Calderstone’s role is to produce and distribute Icon’s bi-monthly magazine.
We receive the press-ready files from our customer’s designers then commence the proofing process. On approval the magazine is printed and the carrier sheets are personalized with the recipients’ details. The magazine and carrier are brought together to be polywrapped. Finally, we organize the postage direct in order to provide a completely seamless service to Icon
We moved this contract to Calderstone in mid 2013 to achieve a considerable cost saving. We have been very pleased with the print quality, service and delivery and also place other smaller jobs with Calderstone.
Simon Green, Icon